Showing Tag: "plastic bags" (Show all posts)

Bio degradable bags used over plastic bags now

Posted by marionlara on Saturday, February 4, 2012, In : business 

To write on plastic is an unending topic. How much discussion we do, we will always end up with the good and bad sides of it. Plastic products are now use in every field of commercial uses. Plastic pens, plastic pencils, plastic lunch boxes for children, plastic cover, plastic packaging and the list goes on and on. Though it has its bad effect on the nature, its use is still continued. As a result of which government in certain countries have to put ban on its use. But as large amount of in...

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Posted by marionlara on Friday, January 20, 2012, In : business 

The packaging is the highly busy field.  Every person takes advantage from the packaging department.  It’s all because of the packaging field, that people are able to get the fresh and best item in their hands.  However, the printed packaging is the newly emerging change taken within this field.  The main reason for taking such step was to make most of the work load of the people lighter.  All the retail prizes and the quality of the substance or the ingredients in it are visible just by lo...

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